Quarterly Highlights

2Q18 Highlights


“The communications training session with WPNT Ltd. was the most useful I have ever had on the topic.  Really outstanding.”  
Global business unit leader, medtech

“Game changing. I’m an avid user.”
C-suite executive, technology

  • WPNT Ltd. supported a number of clients during May, a traditionally busy month for investor conferences.  On the west coast, leaders of a technology firm and an asset management firm underwent Executive Communications Coaching & Rehearsals over the course of a month in advance of their meetings.  Elsewhere, a well-known global medtech company’s team of eight senior leaders participated in a similar coaching schedule in anticipation of their New York meeting with investors.  Share price at both public companies rose following the conferences.

  • Having a ‘tsunami of scenarios’ to which participants had to respond, WPNT Ltd. created this specialized program for a Pennsylvania-based energy company called Communicating in Crisis & Controversy.  Four WPNT Ltd. Associates with backgrounds in transportation and improvisation assisted with the day-and-a-half long program.  A round robin of eight crisis scenarios were created involving various stakeholder audiences and venues.  Participants had limited time to message and respond to each one.  One participant, whose Fitbit stress feature was triggered remarked, “Thanks for putting together the incredible training.  This accomplished exactly what I wanted.”

  • Physicians with immunotherapy and organ transplant expertise at this Mid-Atlantic health system participated in an Executive Media Training for the Content Expert program designed by WPNT Ltd.  The doctors not only addressed new disease treatment technologies but are working to raise awareness of living donors as a first option when considering organ transplantation.

  • Continuing its commitment to enhanced communications skills to drive performance, WPNT Ltd. made two visits in the quarter to this Texas investment firm.  Each four-day run Included Executive Communications Coaching, WPNT Ltd.’s predicate program, Communications Clinic for those seeking continuing development in a private setting, and another day for Performance Review Coaching which provides a format for managers to effectively critique their teams.

  • Summer internships for the 2018 roster of MBAs at this global science and technology firm have begun.  Representing Harvard, Michigan and Northwestern, the MBAs kicked off their internships with Executive Presentation Skills Training conducted by WPNT Ltd.  Our firm will support them again two more times this summer.

  • Speaking to approximately 25 graduate students at Northwestern University, WPNT Ltd. addressed crisis communications as a component of the integrated marketing communications program there. In addition, each student was interviewed to better understand the real life pressure of messaging in an emergency.

Stephanie White