1Q24 Highlights
WPNT Ltd. welcomed a new medical technology client and its senior leadership team, while closing out a 60-Day Intensive for a C-suite executive. Below are highlights from the first quarter of 2024.
“We have learned so much from you and Steve and it has made such an incredible impact.”
“I didn’t realize you were such a good speaker.”
“We want Stephanie to do our fundraising meetings.”
In advance of two national sales meetings on two continents, WPNT Ltd. provided private, Executive Communications Coaching to this global healthcare business division president near Chicago. Each meeting held audiences of several hundred. Strategy, messaging and rehearsal were included during the program.
Fundraising effectiveness among investors and increasing its credibility with industry thought leaders were twin goals of a day-and-a-half Executive Communications Coaching program for the senior leadership team of this ground-breaking medical technology firm. The trio of executives focused on improved messaging and then individual and team rehearsals for both on-site and on-line communications activities.
In effort to raise the visibility and reach of its credit and travel specialists, WPNT Ltd. conducted two, Media Training for the Content Expert programs in New York. The eight participants at this leading consumer information website focused on a more strategic approach to Zoom, podcast, and print interviews as subject matter experts.